Inspirations that Move Us
In the field of redesigning urban livability, often we’ve been moved by the discomforting genius of others. Here is a very incomplete sampling that may move you today:
Educating for Knowledge Transfer in the Digital Age
- Sir Kenneth Robinson Changing Education Paradigms (RSA October 10, 2010)
- Web 2.0 The Machine is Us/ing Us, how digital content is different, Professor Michael Wesch (Kansas State University – March 8, 2007)
The Hero Changemaker among Us, within Us
- Robert Kennedy: Some men see things as they are and ask why, I see things as they are, and ask why not?
- Steve Jobs’ introduction and Ridley Scott’s iconic 1984 Apple Mac ad (1984)
- Apple’s Think Different – Here’s to the Crazy Ones ad (1997)
- Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech (Stanford University 2005)
- David Foster Wallace’s This is Water Commencement Speech (Kenyon College 2005), Part 1 and Part 2
- Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams (September 18, 2007)
Banking Needs to Change
- Ridley Scott ads for Barclays’ Bank I just want to talk to somebody and I just want to know what you think is right for me