Unaffiliated Companies
Urban Logic, Inc., the 501c3 nonprofit at this website, holds U.S. Trademark Serial Number 78146230, with date of first use January 24, 1994, for the trademark “Urban Logic.”
Our nonprofit – Urban Logic, Inc., formed on April 17, 1992 – is not connected with other companies or individuals conducting activities, operating a business or publishing websites that include the words “Urban Logic.”
In 2009, Urban Logic lost a WIPO Domain Dispute – a much longer story than is worth retelling here!
Rather than investing in and being distracted pursuing a lengthy appeal and ancillary legal proceedings, Urban Logic decided to let our nonprofit activities since 1992 that have improved urban systems and quality of life, speak for themselves.

Bruce Cahan is CEO and co-founder of Urban Logic, a nonprofit that harnesses finance and technology to change how systems think, act and feel. He is an Ashoka Fellow, aa Lecturer at Stanford University's Department of Management Science & Engineering, a Distinguished Scholar at Stanford mediaX and a former CodeX Fellow at Stanford's Center for Legal Informatics.
Bruce was trained as an international finance lawyer at Weil Gotshal & Manges in NYC (10 years) and as merchant banker at Asian Oceanic in Hong Kong (2 years).
Bruce graduated The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (B.S. Economics 1976) and Temple Law School (J.D. 1979). Bruce has been licensed to practice law in California (2006), New York (1980) and Pennsylvania (1980).
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