Services available from Urban Logic

Urban Logic shares our expertise and insights with government, nonprofit, university, community and corporate leaders seeking to improve urban quality of life, sustainability and resiliency, through a mix of finance, technology and organizational management and transformational strategies.

Our Services

We offer consulting and research services across a range of fields of expertise for the purpose of focusing new project and program resources on urban system improvement and improving the quality of life for its businesses and residents, such as:

  • understanding urban and regional demographics,
  • improving urban information management and digital government accessibility,
  • improving urban financial management, empowerment and capital availability,
  • improving holistic construction design, project management and finance,
  • exploring financial, insurance and land use incentives for better environmental design and operations of buildings and  infrastructure systems for buildings, and
  • redesigning the fundamental risk models for banking, finance and insurance in urban settings.

Contact us

Please contact Bruce Cahan at to learn more about how you and Urban Logic can

  • rethink your community’s future,
  • focus your company’s impacts on improving regional outcomes,
  • join in your academic or scientific research process or team, or
  • collaborate on systems, technology and finance urban innovation.

If you would like to support our work, Urban Logic is a 501(c)(3) and public contributions are appreciated, and tax-deductible as permitted by law.


Bruce Cahan

Bruce Cahan is CEO and co-founder of Urban Logic, a nonprofit that harnesses finance and technology to change how systems think, act and feel. He is an Ashoka Fellow, aa Lecturer at Stanford University's Department of Management Science & Engineering, a Distinguished Scholar at Stanford mediaX and a former CodeX Fellow at Stanford's Center for Legal Informatics. Bruce was trained as an international finance lawyer at Weil Gotshal & Manges in NYC (10 years) and as merchant banker at Asian Oceanic in Hong Kong (2 years). Bruce graduated The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (B.S. Economics 1976) and Temple Law School (J.D. 1979). Bruce has been licensed to practice law in California (2006), New York (1980) and Pennsylvania (1980).

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