Global Challenges – – – >


Why Sustainable Banking Matters at Stanford
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Why Sustainable Banking Matters at Stanford

At Stanford University, in the Engineering School, and in the (Design School), and in the Law School’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy & Finance, in the Graduate School of Business, and nearly all parts of the campus, sustainability matters. Stanford is buzzing with students and faculty creating next-generation energy, construction, transportation, food, housing and other […]


Funding Changemakers as if Change Matters

Social Entrepreneurs to the Rescue In our time of transition, moving to the Digital Era connecting us globally, storytelling has reemerged as the way to sell consumer products, to gather investors in startup companies, to change government policy, and to address long unmet environmental and social conditions. Social entrepreneurs are among the best of these […]

Monoculture Thinking is Unnatural & Unhealthy
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Monoculture Thinking is Unnatural & Unhealthy

Biomimicry pioneer Janine Benyus has wisely observed that Nature is a design studio, where optimizing sustainability (of planetary lifeforms) and resiliency (navigating climate, species and extraterrestrial impacts) comes through millions of years of adaptability experiments. Nature Values Diversity Nature relies on multiple species to sequester carbon and improve nutrients for soils in vastly different climates […]

What is a Very Impactful Person?

On the morning April 8, 2014, Stanford Graduate School of Business’ Very Impactful People course had an emergency:  A scheduled speaker had come down with the flu and had to cancel her talk.  Shortly, an “Urgent” flagged email arrived, asking for Urban Logic’s founder to substitute for a class two hours later. This talk, to […]



Our Thinking: We see options, allies, history, ideas, differently