Global Challenges – – – >


Monoculture Thinking is Unnatural & Unhealthy
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Monoculture Thinking is Unnatural & Unhealthy

Biomimicry pioneer Janine Benyus has wisely observed that Nature is a design studio, where optimizing sustainability (of planetary lifeforms) and resiliency (navigating climate, species and extraterrestrial impacts) comes through millions of years of adaptability experiments. Nature Values Diversity Nature relies on multiple species to sequester carbon and improve nutrients for soils in vastly different climates […]

TEDxNewWallStreet – Re-imagining Banking built in and for the Information Age
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TEDxNewWallStreet – Re-imagining Banking built in and for the Information Age

2008 – 2012 had seen a stubborn recession, shattering personal wealth and global confidence in the largest banks.  The Occupy Wall Street Protests in New York and London pressed for reforms to the banking system, by legislative, regulatory and judicial means. By March 2012,  Silicon Valley had been pursuing its agenda of revolutionizing the banking […]


Migration Storytelling

Amidst the rancor in Europe and the United States over migration, its risks and how to contain or adapt to it, the world is witnessing the rise of new nationalist movements. Against this background, Urban Logic began researching the history of migration, and how migration stories are told, mythologized and forgotten. Along with other nonprofits […]

Google Tech Talk on Conscious Consumerism
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Google Tech Talk on Conscious Consumerism

Why is it that shopping is what powers the Internet? So many new products struggle to find an audience, create a following, define a market, be the next Google, Apple or Facebook. Google’s Campus – the sprawling Googleplex in Mountain View California – is like a graduate engineering school, most employees wear tee shirts identifying their […]



Our Thinking: We see options, allies, history, ideas, differently