Global Challenges – – – >


Google Tech Talk on Conscious Consumerism
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Google Tech Talk on Conscious Consumerism

Why is it that shopping is what powers the Internet? So many new products struggle to find an audience, create a following, define a market, be the next Google, Apple or Facebook. Google’s Campus – the sprawling Googleplex in Mountain View California – is like a graduate engineering school, most employees wear tee shirts identifying their […]


Semantic Money® – Tagging money with intention

Fiat currency printed by governments or crypto-currency mined by computers.  Spending rewards issued by credit card companies or retail brands. Impacts reports by socially responsible investment mutual fund families or foundations. What characteristics differentiate these forms of money?  Each has an accountancy focused on the math of input-output, with a sliding scale for the holder’s and user’s right of […]


Migration Storytelling

Amidst the rancor in Europe and the United States over migration, its risks and how to contain or adapt to it, the world is witnessing the rise of new nationalist movements. Against this background, Urban Logic began researching the history of migration, and how migration stories are told, mythologized and forgotten. Along with other nonprofits […]

Welcome to Urban Logic’s new website!

Welcome to Urban Logic’s new website!

It’s taken longer than we imagined, but finally our WordPress website is ready for primetime. Please let us know what you’d like us to add, fix and collaborate on! ….. The site is still very much “in beta test mode,” so please excuse the punch list items and let us know anything you’d like us […]

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Banking on Altruism

Fear is Fake Collateral, Rugged Individualism is Bankers’ Mythology In his May 2013 TEDxHayward Talk entitled Adjacencies Revealed, Urban Logic’s founder shared thinking that developed in dialogue with Dr. James Doty and Dr. Daniel Martin of Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research (C-CARE) that could build stronger banks and bank customer user experiences. Bruce CahanBruce Cahan is CEO and co-founder […]



Our Thinking: We see options, allies, history, ideas, differently