December 11th, 2010 in Sustainable Banking, Transparency Technologies | leave a response
Over the past few years, Urban Logic has looked at how banks reflect society’s priorities, and cause multiple impacts in doing so.
In order to understand “banking,” numerous books, professional journals and a deluge of popular works after the 2008 Credit Crisis have come forward to demystify the “black box of banking”, so that it can be simply understood.
Two of our favorite books that explain banking as it is currently practiced today are:
Other good reads on banking and money tell tales of bankers and banker hubris, and those are fun literature too!
Bruce Cahan is CEO and co-founder of Urban Logic, a nonprofit that harnesses finance and technology to change how systems think, act and feel. He is an Ashoka Fellow, aa Lecturer at Stanford University's Department of Management Science & Engineering, a Distinguished Scholar at Stanford mediaX and a former CodeX Fellow at Stanford's Center for Legal Informatics.
Bruce was trained as an international finance lawyer at Weil Gotshal & Manges in NYC (10 years) and as merchant banker at Asian Oceanic in Hong Kong (2 years).
Bruce graduated The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (B.S. Economics 1976) and Temple Law School (J.D. 1979). Bruce has been licensed to practice law in California (2006), New York (1980) and Pennsylvania (1980).
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Tags: banking, corporation, ethics, GoodBank, money, New Wall Street, public banking, state-owned banking, TEDxNewWallStreet
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